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John Keenan

Inclusive Excellence: Cultural humility

Conversations for Inclusive Excellence continue March 11.

Mar 2, 2021

Douglas County to take over colleague vaccination

New faculty and staff and those who would like to receive COVID-19 vaccines may request an appointment at the Testing and Vaccine Clinic.

Mar 1, 2021

CHRI to lead COVID-19 vaccine trials in pregnant women, children

Studies by the Child Health Research Institute will be sponsored by Pfizer.

Mar 1, 2021

COVID-19 incidences ‘dramatically down’ on UNMC campuses

But leaders caution that there is more work to do.

Mar 1, 2021

Employees, students must return to designated, assigned parking lots

Enforcement of parking in designated lots will resume on March 15.

Mar 1, 2021

DHHS seeking responses on caregiving survey

Both caregivers, non-caregivers asked to respond to MMI-facilitated survey.

Mar 1, 2021

UNMC Wi-Fi options to change today

Med center now will have two Wi-Fi options instead of three.

Mar 1, 2021

Impact in Education: William Hay, MD

Dr. Hay is the recipient of the Interprofessional Education Scholar Award.

Mar 1, 2021

William Hay, MD

UNMC for the record

News and notes from the UNMC community.

Feb 26, 2021

Impact in Education: Linda Love, EdD

Dr. Love is the recipient of the Inspirational Mentor of Educators Award.

Feb 26, 2021

Linda Love, EdD