John Keenan

Faculty award winners announced

Educators to be honored at April 15 virtual ceremony.

Mar 29, 2021

Rakesh Singh, PhD, will receive the Outstanding Faculty Mentor of Graduate Students Award at this year's event.

Under the microscope: The 2021 Research Awards

Matt Rizzo, MD, was named the UNMC Scientist Laureate at the event honoring the university’s top researchers.

Mar 29, 2021

UNMC joins research consortium for tropical diseases

Group’s mission is to accelerate discovery and development of technologies for neglected tropical diseases, malaria and tuberculosis.

Mar 29, 2021

Michael Dixon, PhD, president and CEO of UNeMed

UNMC students part of COVID vaccine effort in north Omaha

Students provided COVID-19 vaccinations at Clair Memorial United Methodist Church.

Mar 26, 2021

From left, UNMC College of Nursing instructor Annette Kasselman, UNMC nursing students Therese O'Malley and Oliver Ramirez-Guttierrez and Kelly Buchanan, UNMC nursing instructor.

Benschoter Fund will support allied health students

The Dean Reba A. Benschoter Scholarship Fund will help students from smaller communities.

Mar 26, 2021

Reba Benschoter, PhD, left, with Kyle Meyer, PhD, and Mary Haven. The three represent the leadership of the School/College of Allied Health Professions for 36 of its 49-year history.

Chancellor’s forum set for today at 3:15 p.m.

Ted Cieslak, MD, interim executive director for health security, will join Dr. Gold at the virtual event.

Mar 26, 2021

From left, UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, and Ted Cieslak, MD, UNMC interim executive director for health security

TIAA offering free retirement webinars

TIAA is hosting a series of free live webinars.

Mar 26, 2021

UNMC for the record

College of Nursing fund drive to benefit those affected by ovarian cancer, and other news and notes from the UNMC community.

Mar 26, 2021

The College of Nursing,s 2021 Annual Charitable March 24-31 Drive will benefit the NU Foundation's Betty J. and Charles D. McKinsey Ovarian Cancer Research Fund and is dedicated in memory of Jill Thewke, who was a college employee, and others affected by ovarian cancer.

Volunteers needed for North Omaha vaccination clinic

The first clinic will be held this Saturday, March 27, from 2-6 p.m.

Mar 25, 2021

Andrea Jones, MD

Post-COVID clinic to open next week

UNMC and Nebraska Medicine colleagues and families will receive first priority.

Mar 25, 2021