John Keenan

Kim Duncan, MD, to join Nebraska Medicine fulltime

Dr. Duncan is former chief of the UNMC Department of Surgery-Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery.

Apr 12, 2021

Kim Duncan, MD

Spirit of Community Service: Charity Evans, MD

Dr. Evans will be honored at the annual faculty meeting on April 15.

Apr 12, 2021

Charity Evans, MD, left, with Raquel Salinas

Latest One Chart update completed

One Chart users are now able to utilize new enhancements.

Apr 12, 2021

Breakthrough Thinking series concludes with focus on equity

Speaker: Universities have more power to impact equity and achievement gaps than they may realize.

Apr 9, 2021

From left, Timothy Renick, PhD, and Kevin Kruger, PhD

C-STARS holds inaugural biocontainment care course

The Center for Sustainment of Trauma Readiness Skills Omaha trained five people for the U.S. Air Force.

Apr 9, 2021

C-STARS Omaha trained a class of five, including three active-duty Air Force infectious diseases physicians, the infectious disease consultant for the Air Force, and the infection prevention consultant for the Air Force.

New faculty spotlight: Daniel Brailita, MD

Dr. Brailita is an assistant professor in the UNMC Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases.

Apr 9, 2021

Daniel Brailita, MD

For the record

Drug Discovery & Development Pipeline Symposium set for May, and other news and notes from the UNMC community.

Apr 9, 2021

Outstanding teacher: Paul Dobesh, PharmD

Dr. Dobesh will be honored at the April 15 faculty meeting.

Apr 9, 2021

Paul Dobesh, PharmD

Colleagues honor, remember Joseph Stothert, MD

Virtual memorial was held on April 5.

Apr 8, 2021

Joseph Stothert, MD

UNMC stories come to life in one-act plays

Virtual one-act play festival set for April 19.

Apr 8, 2021