John Keenan

June 22 Chancellor’s forum available in-person, online

Guests will include Jane Meza, PhD, interim executive director for health security, and Doug Ewald, vice chancellor for business, finance and business development.

Jun 17, 2021

Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD

Wellness: ‘Are you ok?’

Kindness is free, administrator reminds colleagues while sharing her story.

Jun 17, 2021

Amy Ruzsa and Titan

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Rick Evans to lead NSRI

Evans is a retired major general in the U.S. Air Force with nearly 40 years of experience in senior military roles.

Jun 16, 2021

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Rick Evans

New faculty spotlight: Grinu Mathew, PhD

Dr. Mathew is an assistant professor at the Eppley Institute.

Jun 16, 2021

Joanne Li, PhD, UNO’s chancellor-elect, tours UNMC

Joanne Li, PhD, is excited by the possibilities for further collaboration.

Jun 14, 2021

University of Nebraska at Omaha Chancellor-elect Joanne Li, PhD, toured UNMC last week and met with UNMC and current UNO Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD.

Science Cafe: Pediatric/perinatal COVID-19 research

Speakers will discuss COVID-19 vaccine development for pediatric and perinatal populations.

Jun 14, 2021

From left, Kari Simonsen, MD, and Ann Anderson Berry, MD, PhD

Talk IT Thru: Phishing

Video focuses on how to recognize and report phishing.

Jun 14, 2021

WalkRite event supports MMI speech therapy

The Scottish Rite Foundation is hosting the 2021 WalkRite for RiteCare at Chalco Hills Recreation Area.

Jun 14, 2021

From left, John Maxon of the Scottish Rite and the Munroe-Meyer Institute's Amy Nordness, PhD, and director Karoly Mirnics, MD, PhD, at the 2019 WalkRite for RiteCare.

Speaker: ‘How and Why Should White Dudes Engage?’

Scott Porter, MD, will speak at annual orthopaedic surgery event this morning.

Jun 11, 2021

Scott Porter, MD

Dr. Carver named director of expanded UNMC ombuds program

Program is an independent, informal, impartial and confidential resource for students, faculty and staff.

Jun 11, 2021

David Carver, PhD