
John Keenan

University cracks top 100 in U.S. patent tally

NU system has been ranked for four consecutive years.

Jun 22, 2021

Michael Dixon, PhD, president and CEO of UNeMed

Tuition freeze, strategic investments mark NU budget

President Carter: University “is in a position of strength.”

Jun 22, 2021

Ted Carter, president of the University of Nebraska

LiveGreen: Recycling event a success

The med center diverted 12,040 total pounds of waste from the landfill.

Jun 22, 2021

Northwall Plaza dedication a time for celebration

William Northwall, MD, says: ‘UNMC holds a special place in my heart.’

Jun 21, 2021

The William H. Northwall, MD, Plaza

Nationwide interoperability focus of June 23 webinar

Donald Rucker, MD, will moderate a panel June 23 featuring UNMC’s James McClay, MD, and John Windle, MD.

Jun 21, 2021

From left, John Windle, MD, and James McClay, MD, will take part in the panel discussion.

Noted Native American author next CAHP speaker

Joseph Marshall III will tell the history of South Dakota’s ‘Hiawatha Asylum’ for the College of Allied Health Professions Diversity and Inclusion Seminar Series.

Jun 21, 2021

Joseph Marshall III

University employees granted leave for Friday, June 18

University system follows lead of state, federal governments in marking Juneteenth holiday.

Jun 18, 2021

Ted Carter, president of the University of Nebraska

COVID-19 vaccination documentation begins June 21

Details on how to complete documentation now available.

Jun 18, 2021

GME names house officers of the year

Drs. Deibert, Heenan and Kovar honored by Graduate Medical Education Committee.

Jun 17, 2021

Endowment supporting rare book collection transferred to UNMC

American College of Surgeons transfers endowment for H. Winnett Orr, MD, collection.

Jun 17, 2021

Since 1974, the Orr collection has been on permanent loan to the UNMC library.