John Keenan
UNMC loses one of its top supporters – Leland Olson, M.D.
Dr. Olson and his late wife, Dorothy, contributed millions of dollars to fund women’s health and nursing initiatives.
Jul 9, 2013

The Nebraska Medical Center earns ‘5 Rings Award’
New honor recognizes hospitals for creating a culture of vigilance and safety.
Jul 9, 2013

Community program offers produce, delivered on campus
Every week, the farmer’s market comes to UNMC’s door.
Jul 9, 2013

LiveGreen – Little steps, big impact
Simple decisions can greatly impact ozone emissions.
Jul 9, 2013

Candidate forum set for 4 p.m. today
Robert Califf, M.D., is the third finalist for the chancellor’s position to visit UNMC.
Jul 9, 2013
ITS class will help in designing a database
Wednesday’s presentation covers database design fundamentals.
Jul 8, 2013

Retirement planning sessions available this week
Planning sessions offered this week and throughout the month.
Jul 8, 2013

Early antidepressant use cuts depression in some cancer patients
UNMC study could change guidelines for treating head and neck cancers.
Jul 8, 2013

INBRE scholars: Meet Garrett Schwindt
Biopsychology major considering M.D., career in surgery and research.
Jul 8, 2013

Video: Ask UNMC – Controlling high blood pressure
How can I tell if I have high blood pressure and how can I bring it under control? (Featuring Jennifer Fillaus, M.D.)
Jul 5, 2013