
Tom O'Connor UNMC public relations

Dr. Hansen awarded Gurney Professorship in Radiology

Neil Hansen, M.D., is first to hold the newly created professorship.

Mar 16, 2018

Neil Hansen, M.D.

Dr. Johnson named chief of plastic and reconstructive surgery

Perry Johnson, M.D., succeeds Ron Hollins, M.D., who stepped down last year after serving as division chief for the past 26 years.

Feb 16, 2018

Perry Johnson, M.D.

Dr. Cusick named division chief for pediatric surgery

Robert Cusick, M.D., joined the UNMC faculty in 2001.

Feb 14, 2018

Robert Cusick, M.D.

Chemically modified drug shows promise for HIV treatment, elimination

UNMC discovery reported in Nature Communications.

Feb 6, 2018

The four key researchers on the breakthrough that could eventually lead to an HIV cure were (left-right) Benson Edagwa, Ph.D., Aditya Bade, Ph.D., Brady Sillman, and Howard Gendelman, M.D.

Dr. Wengel named assistant vice chancellor for campus wellness

Will hold this position for both UNMC and UNO.

Feb 2, 2018

From left, UNMC College of Medicine Dean Brad Britigan, M.D., newly named Assistant Vice Chancellor for Campus Wellness Steven Wengel, M.D., and Howard Liu, M.D., interim chair of the UNMC Department of Psychiatry

Skate-a-thon brings in more than $20,000

More than 600 skaters participate in 24-hour UNMC Skate-a-thon for Parkinson’s.

Jan 30, 2018

Ryan Cary (center) is flanked by his father, Stephen, and his mother, Jeanne, after completing the UNMC Skate-a-thon for Parkinson's. Cary recruited 42 skaters for the event and brought in $2,600. His LeaseTeam, Inc. competed in the Rock the Clock category, which required the team to have at least one skater on the ice throughout the 24-hour event. Stephen Cary, a former president of the apartment leasing division for NP Dodge, has had Parkinson's disease for the past 12 years.

Time out with T.O. – Putting Parkinson’s on ice

Skate-a-thon for Parkinson’s begins Friday.

Jan 25, 2018

Jenny Knutson speaks at the 2017 Skate-a-thon opening ceremonies.

Skate-a-thon for Parkinson’s set for Jan. 26-27

24-hour ice skating event – now in its eighth year at UNMC – has raised more than $170,000.

Jan 18, 2018

Six skaters skated all 24 hours at the 2017 UNMC Skate-a-thon for Parkinson's. They celebrated their accomplishment by chilling out on the ice at the end of the event.

Dr. Fletcher to step down as dean of College of Pharmacy

His 10-year span as dean includes many accomplishments, including new building.

Jan 16, 2018

Courtney Fletcher, Pharm. D.

Dr. Armitage named to board of biopharmaceutical company

Dr. Armitage named to the newly formed Clinical Advisory Board for Ascentage Pharma.

Jan 12, 2018

James Armitage, M.D.