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Tom O'Connor

Founder of program for children with mobility issues to talk at UNMC

Dr. Cole Galloway to visit UNMC, help build play, drive-able vehicles for kids with mobility issues

Sep 24, 2019

Nebraska Neuroscience Alliance honors Joan Squires.

Parkinson’s disease may have met it’s match

Instead of discovering an entirely new drug for a disease, researchers sometimes find that an existing drug can have positive effects on a different disease. That’s what UNMC researchers did. In a breakthrough discovery, they found that an existing chemotherapy drug may have restorative, even curative, effects on Parkinson’s disease (PD) – a disease that […]

Sep 20, 2017

The three key people on the Phase 1 clinical trial were (from left) Howard Gendelman, M.D., Pamela Santamaria, M.D., and R. Lee Mosley, Ph.D.

Former state senator, Nancy Thompson, to receive J.G. Elliott Award from UNMC

Award recognizes her contributions to medicine, health for Nebraska

May 4, 2017

Site preparations underway for iEXCEL building

Board of Regents approve change in budget, scope

Jan 27, 2017

Rendering of the iEXCEL building

UNMC, UNO form new institute to help start-ups succeed

UNeTech facility at 3929 Harney St. will provide affordable space in 3-level, 5,000-sq.-ft. building

Dec 22, 2016

Scotts create Maurer Distinguished Chair in Public Health

A miniature engraved antique chair symbolizes a huge advancement for the College of Public Health.

Oct 22, 2015

Regents approve library recognition for Dr. Leo McCarthy

Dr. McCarthy is a 1964 UNMC medical school graduate.

Aug 6, 2015

Meeting the behavioral health needs of rural communities

In order to finish her master’s degree in community counseling at Doane College, the Bruning, Neb., native needed to complete 1,000 hours of internship training to realize her goal of becoming a licensed mental health professional.

Sep 17, 2014

Darcy Dawson

Science partnership opens opportunities between UNMC, China

In August, one of the most extensive partnerships ever between the United States and Chinese academic institutions was finalized between UNMC and Tongji University.

Dec 18, 2012