
Story contributed by UNMC Employee Relations

UNO classes to be offered at UNMC

See which UNO classes will be offered at UNMC this fall.

May 24, 2011

UNO classes to be offered at UNMC

Learn what UNO classes will be offered at UNMC this summer.

Mar 10, 2011

Service awards dinner invitations coming next week

On Monday, all office-service, managerial-professional and administrative employees (non faculty) who have a length of service in 5-year increments (5, 10, 15, etc.) will receive an invitation by mail to the UNMC Service Awards Dinner.

Apr 1, 2010

Management Series begins Oct. 1, applications due Sept. 23

A new session of the UNMC Management Series kicks off on Oct. 1 and applications for the course are due Sept. 23.

Aug 28, 2009

UNO adviser back on campus by popular demand July 20

Those employees who wish to get their bachelor’s degrees will have a chance to meet with a University of Nebraska at Omaha adviser at UNMC on July 20.

Jul 9, 2009

Wellness Wednesday — take UNO classes at UNMC

University of Nebraska at Omaha film history and public speaking courses will be offered on the UNMC campus this fall for the convenience of medical center employees who wish to advance their education.

Jun 24, 2009