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Pamela K. Carmines Ph.D.

Top 7 New Year’s resolutions for graduate students

With 2016 under way, here are some of the resolutions graduate students might be struggling to keep. These are worthwhile goals, so stick with it! Grow your skillset: A new research technique. Mentoring skills. Communication skills. Pick one new skill (or more) and develop a specific plan for how you will hone that skill. Devoting […]

Feb 15, 2016

7 things grad students get instead of summer break

Once you graduate from college, you can kiss goodbye the concept of getting three months off in the summer. Although there are some exceptions (for example, if you are a teacher or lecturer), by and large the fun is over. Graduate students should take some consolation in the following benefits of working full time toward […]

Jun 12, 2015

Avoiding dissertation disasters: Seven tips

Here are seven tips for a dissertation defense even a lawyer could admire. 1. Practice with your colleagues (several times). Beg them to be your worst critics, and to ask tough questions. And don’t wait until the day before your defense to do this! You will likely want to revise a few slides and/or rearrange […]

Feb 15, 2015