Nebraska Medicine

New faculty spotlight: Dan Pierce, MD

Dr. Pierce is an assistant professor in the UNMC Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Oct 23, 2022

Dan Pierce, MD

Pharmacy students offer Medicare Part D review

The UNMC College of Pharmacy helps seniors review Medicare drug coverage options.

Oct 19, 2022

Student-run clinics need supervisors

The clinics, which provide training and access, need volunteers to supervise students.

Oct 12, 2022

Stay alert as cyber incidents impact health systems 

IT and Information Security teams are monitoring systems as cyber incidents affect other health systems.

Oct 6, 2022

Lisa Bazis, chief information security officer

Sign-up is open for November N95 fit testing  

Colleagues who need a fit test can sign up in Apollo. No walk-ins will be available.

Oct 4, 2022

Flu, COVID booster clinics start Wednesday

The Nebraska Medicine clinics are available to UNMC employees and students.

Sep 27, 2022

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, received his flu shot last Wednesday.

Patients to see more notes in One Chart | Patient

On Oct. 3, another layer of notes and encounters will be visible to patients in their medical record.

Sep 13, 2022

Roll up your sleeve, it’s time for flu shots

All health care providers, faculty, students and staff should get the flu vaccine annually.

Sep 11, 2022

Updated COVID boosters now available

Nebraska Medicine will offer the updated booster as soon as supply is available.

Sep 5, 2022

Registration open for next Stop the Bleed sessions

The event, with 30-minutes sessions, will be on Sept. 14.

Sep 5, 2022

The med center's first Stop the Bleed training was held Aug. 29.