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Megan Guenther UNMC strategic communications

J. William Schleifer, MD, performs in piano competition

Dr. Schleifer sees parallels between his music and medicine’s struggle against death and disease.

Dec 23, 2022

J. William Schleifer, MD

Dr. Mikuls featured in New England Journal of Medicine

Ted Mikuls, MD, authored an 11-page review article on gout for the prestigious publication.

Dec 12, 2022

Ted Mikuls, MD

Retirement event set for Mark Mailliard, MD

The campus is invited to the Dec. 8 farewell for the longtime campus leader.

Dec 5, 2022

Mark Mailliard, MD

‘Indispensable’ Teresa Pisasale receives Gold U

Pisasale is a senior software engineer in IT Development and Operations who works with research departments.

Dec 1, 2022

Teresa Pisasale

UNMC hosts luncheon for departing legislators

Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, thanked the senators for their service and support of UNMC.

Dec 1, 2022

From left, Senators Steve Lathrop, John McCollister, Matt Williams, Mark Kolterman and Patty Pansing Brooks, with Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, at center

Senator-elect Jana Hughes tours UNMC

Hughes met with university leaders, received an update on UNMC’s rural health initiatives and toured iEXCEL.

Dec 1, 2022

Jana Hughes tours UNMC's iEXCEL program with Benjamin Stobbe, assistant vice chancellor for clinical simulation with iEXCEL.

Retirement event set for Mark Mailliard, MD

The campus is invited to the Dec. 8 farewell for the longtime campus leader.

Nov 22, 2022

Mark Mailliard, MD

UNMC ice rink to open Saturday, Dec. 3

Admission is free for members of the med center and university community.

Nov 22, 2022

Dr. Mikuls featured in New England Journal of Medicine

Ted Mikuls, MD, authored an 11-page review article on gout for the prestigious publication.

Nov 18, 2022

Ted Mikuls, MD

Internal medicine represented at annual ACP meeting

The Nebraska Chapter of the American College of Physicians held its annual meeting Oct. 15.

Nov 17, 2022

Debra Romberger, MD, chair, department of internal medicine, Tammy Wichman, MD, associate professor, and Nate Anderson, MD, assistant professor, were among those who received honors at the Nebraska Chapter of the American College of Physicians annual meeting.