Maureen Fulton UNMC public affairs

Retired Fremont physician named president of UNMC College of Medicine Alumni Association

The UNMC College of Medicine Alumni Association has appointed Duane Krause, M.D., as its new president. The Fremont resident will serve a two-year term on the 13-member volunteer board.

Feb 27, 2002

UNMC researchers study ways to protect humans against chemical warfare agents

UNMC researchers have received a four-year, $1.7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to develop an efficient way to protect humans against the toxic effects of nerve agents used in chemical warfare. Nerve agents are chemicals related to the organophosphorus group of pesticides, which interfere with the functioning of the nervous system.

Jan 24, 2002

Grant expands geriatrics resources

In 2010, an estimated 400,000 Nebraskans will be over the age of 65. Thanks to a grant from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation, UNMC is increasing the amount of training in geriatrics for physicians in Nebraska.

Jan 23, 2002

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