Maria Daniels UNMC Department of Internal Medicine

Dr. Parker to lead general internal medicine division

Jennifer Parker, MD, has been acting division chief since September 2021.

Feb 7, 2023

Jennifer Parker, MD

Dr. Parker to lead general internal medicine division

Jennifer Parker, MD, has been acting division chief since September 2021.

Jan 18, 2023

Jennifer Parker, MD

Engage Wellness open to med center employees in January

The facility, located inside the Home Instead Center for Successful Aging, focuses on whole-person wellness.

Dec 27, 2022

Dr. Jophlin is research superstar

Loretta Jophlin, M.D., Ph.D., takes top prize at Superstar Competition during the Great Plains IDeA-CTR Annual Scientific Meeting.

Oct 17, 2018

Multidisciplinary clinic to help improve patient care

The Autoimmune Lung Clinic is a collaboration between the Department of Internal Medicine’s rheumatology and immunology division and its pulmonary, critical care, sleep and allergy division.

Jul 2, 2018

Internal medicine recognizes research award winners

James Campbell, M.D., receives Career Excellence Award.

Jun 11, 2018

Internal medicine annual poster session growing

Event grew this year in both number of posters submitted and attendance.

Jun 1, 2018

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