Kim Laursen ITS education coordinator
Publisher Basics and Access Forms training offered this week
ITS is offering classes throughout the month. Click story link for registration information.
Feb 3, 2014

Weekly eTip – Outlook Tools and Rules on April Fools’
April 1 training event will offer time-saving tips.
Mar 28, 2013

Does your e-mail need a crash diet?
Employees are aware of the importance of maintaining their diets for health reasons. The same is true for e-mail. As e-mail files grow, they get slower, less efficient and overweight. Here, Information Technology Services outlines what to do to get your e-mail in shape. As part of that process, ITS will automatically delete all UNMC Today e-mails prior to Jan. 1 from the server. That process will begin the week of Feb. 20.
Feb 16, 2006