Kalani Simpson UNMC public relations

UNMC adds third cohort of Purdue Pharma Scholars

Program’s inaugural cohort has produced an impressive list of accomplishments.

Jun 28, 2018

From left, Purdue Pharma Scholars Swagat Sharma, Eliezer Lichter and Danielle Frodyma

Grad students take part in Nebraska Science Festival

Poster presentation was part of statewide science festival.

Jun 28, 2018

Poster presentation winner Constance Mietus, left, and Pamela Carmines, Ph.D.,

Dr. Bhatti aims to widen his teaching impact

Educator’s “mini-fellowship” in movement disorders draws interest from Pakistani physicians.

Jun 25, 2018

Danish Bhatti, M.D., assistant professor of neurological sciences

Medicine, dentistry shift to pass/fail for some courses

Studies show benefits to pass/fail grading system.

Jun 25, 2018

Some courses at the College of Dentistry will be pass/fail, while most first- and second-year courses remain on a letter-grade scale. The College of Medicine has gone to pass/fail for its preclinical years (M1-2).

New pancreatic cancer model to aid research

National Institutes of Health funds $1.7 million UNMC effort to develop porcine model of pancreatic cancer.

Jun 6, 2018

Mark Carlson, M.D.

IAE offers Spotlight on Scholarship

More than 30 faculty took part in recent showcase.

Jun 4, 2018

Medical student Michael Otten presents findings on a study of a student-led surgery interest group at UNMC at the recent IAE showcase.

Changes of many kinds mark pharmacy convocation

Ceremony also served as the end of an era for a handful of pharmacy heavyweights.

May 29, 2018

Courtney Fletcher, Pharm.D., congratulates students at the convocation event.

Legislative candidate DeBoer tours UNMC

District 10 candidate calls education her top priority.

May 23, 2018

Legislative candidate Wendy DeBoer talked about the work being done in the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center with Nicholas Woods, Ph.D., left, and vice chancellor Bob Bartee, right.

Faculty members: Work-life balance is key

UNMC faculty offered perspectives at UNMC Graduate Studies event.

May 17, 2018

Vimla Band, Ph.D., as chair of the UNMC Department of Genetics, Cell Biology & Anatomy

UNMC researchers aim to improve hernia mesh

Duo is developing a mesh that will be more friendly to living tissue.

May 7, 2018

Jingwei Xie, Ph.D., left, and Mark Carlson, M.D., may have found a solution for a better hernia mesh.