John Schleicher McGoogan Library

UNMC History 101 – Latenser’s plan for the medical campus
Learn more about John Latenser Sr., the primary architect for the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, and his campus plans that never materialized.
Mar 5, 2013

UNMC History 101 – World War I and the College of Medicine
The outbreak of World War I broke the momentum of expansion and reorganization that Dr. Irving Cutter had achieved in his first years as dean of the College of Medicine.
Feb 5, 2013

UNMC History 101 — Courtship of two doctors
A UNMC alumnus and his physician wife play a key role in the establishment of a Louisiana medical school.
Oct 9, 2012

Three generations of medical books donated to library
Charles F. Ashby, M.D., of Geneva has donated more than 300 books — spanning three generations of Fillmore County physicians — to the UNMC McGoogan Library of Medicine. Dr. Ashby, a 1942 graduate of the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, is a third-generation physician in Fillmore County.
Dec 30, 2002