John Keenan
Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge to be lit up in blue April 2 for autism awareness
Bridge will light up blue to kick off World Autism Month
Mar 29, 2019

College of Public Health awards five agriculture safety/health program grants
CS-CASH receives funding from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Feb 19, 2019

Norfolk training for care of those with developmental disabilities and dementia
Curriculum includes information from the best of the research that is currently available and is strongly experience-informed from top experts
Feb 18, 2019

Research exploring different therapies’ effects in children with cerebral palsy
Researchers are examining the benefits of power training, a treatment more related to muscular function, and an action-perception approach that stresses movement planning.
Sep 26, 2018

Munroe-Meyer Foundation’s Walk & Roll for Disabilities set for March 4
Meyer Foundation’s event raises funds for adult disability programming at the Munroe-Meyer Institute
Feb 20, 2018

David O’Dell, M.D., is inaugural Educator Laureate
At one time, David O'Dell, M.D., wanted to be a high school teacher. Life took him in a different direction. But within his medical career, Dr. O'Dell still became a teacher – such a good one, in fact, that students awarded him so many teaching awards he became ineligible to receive more. Then, earlier this […]
Sep 20, 2017

Oh, the Thinks You Can Think
If you open your mind, Oh, the thinks you will find Lining up to get loose! For the second year in a row, Camp Munroe Theater Company participants, ages 6 to 25, delighted an audience with a summer theater production – "Oh, the Thinks You Can Think." Yes, think – think right over the brink. […]
Sep 20, 2017

Impact in Education Awards
Last fall, Dele Davies, M.D., vice chancellor for academic affairs, created seven new awards – Impact in Education Awards – to recognize the dedication and ingenuity of UNMC educators. In addition to the Educator Laureate, categories include innovation, leadership, mentorship, service, interprofessional and research. The awards were presented on Feb. 10. “The Impact in Education […]
Sep 20, 2017
UNMC to study learning activities in children, young adults with cerebral palsy
Researchers trying to figure out ways to better teach children to learn new motor skills or overcome barriers
Jan 24, 2017