Joe Evans Nebraska Medicine

Keep safe when crossing busy streets

Campus leaders urge med center workers to cross streets safely.

Jun 19, 2018

Bus ride saves time, money, the environment

Go green and save some green by taking the bus.

Jun 6, 2018

Community partners’ event showcases opportunities

Event showcased discounts offered to med center community.

Jun 6, 2018

Medical center among nation’s best in recognizing, treating heart attack

American College of Cardiology awards med center the 2018 Silver Performance Achievement Award for the ACTION Registry of the National Cardiovascular Data Registry.

May 31, 2018

Edward O'Leary, M.D.

Med center team comes through at Heart Walk

Nebraska Medicine, UNMC teamed to raise $30,110 at event.

May 29, 2018

The Nebraska Medicine/UNMC Heart Walk team.

Spotty cell service based on phone provider

Communication continues with wireless companies to improve phone reception on UNMC Omaha campus.

May 2, 2018

Pharmacy renovation underway at Durham Outpatient Center

Phase one of two-phase project is set to take five months.

Mar 12, 2018

Rendering of what the Outpatient Pharmacy will look like after renovation (courtesy of Altus Architectural Studios).

Video: Reaching out to patients

Members of the Gold Humanism Honor Society visited patients as part of the “Tell Me More” campaign.

Feb 25, 2016

Hepatitis C clinic’s expertise, dedication aids patients

Med center’s clinic is a referral center for patients in the region.

Dec 21, 2015

Mark Mailliard, M.D., chief of the division of gastroenterology and hepatology at UNMC.

‘Sunday Rounds’ reinforce humanism in patient care

Program designed to bring medical students and patients together.

Sep 16, 2015

From left, UNMC medical students Liz Sutton, Tabitha Burger and Suresh Pavuluri spend time on a Sunday afternoon visiting with patient Todd Prince, hearing stories about his time as a cross-country truck driver, farmer and love for motorcycles.