Fran Higgins College of Allied Health Professions

College of Allied Health Professions announces awards

Award ceremony has been postponed until August.

Apr 6, 2020

MITS honors student with rededication

UNMC Department of Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Sciences honors student Dawn Lisec, who died in 1994.

Oct 21, 2016

From left, Dawn Lisec's parents Darlene and Leonard with James Temme, associate director of the UNMC Department of Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Sciences.

Dr. Meyer named ASAHP Fellow

Fellows program seeks to promote continued excellence within allied health.

Oct 18, 2016

Kyle Meyer, Ph.D.

College of Allied Health Professions gives awards

Seven individuals honored at annual ceremony.

May 19, 2016

Kim Michael and Tanya Custer won the College of Allied Health Professions' Innovative Scholarship Award.
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