Elizabeth Kumru UNMC public relations

Nebraska Fulbright chapter founded

New chapter was established April 24.

May 14, 2019

Wael ElRayes, Ph.D.

Wakanyeja Conference examines American Indian behavioral health

Encourages attendees to implement change and healing within own communities.

May 10, 2019

Drummers from the group Upstream performed to help unify attendees at the recent Wakanyeja Conference at UNMC.

Chancellor looks to future: Health Care 2050

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., spoke during the annual Faculty Senate Awards ceremony Tuesday.

Apr 25, 2019

Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., addresses the campus at the annual Faculty Senate Awards ceremony Tuesday.

Center for Reducing Health Disparities to hold open house

New offices will be located in North Omaha.

Apr 18, 2019

From left, Keyonna King, Dr.PH., and Kenya Love

Grant aims to reduce childhood obesity in rural Nebraska

UNMC, University of Nebraska at Kearney to collaborate on $2.5 million grant-funded project.

Apr 18, 2019

Jennie Hill, Ph.D., associate professor of epidemiology in UNMC's College of Public Health, and Kate Heelan, Ph.D, professor of exercise science and director of the Physical Activity and Wellness Lab at UNK

Applications open for Great Plains Leadership Institute

Regional program through College of Public Health is entering its 15th year.

Apr 17, 2019

Team building exercises are part of the Great Plains Leadership Institute curriculum.

Longevity calculator coming soon

Program provides longevity estimate and steps users can take to live longer.

Apr 11, 2019

Dejun Su, Ph.D., displays the mapping tab on the Life Expectancy Calculator website that shows the average longevity of Nebraskans by zip code.

Workshops offered on Intercultural Learning in Education Abroad

Free workshops this week at UNO and UNL.

Apr 8, 2019

UNMC shares bioterrorism preparedness planning with Qatar

Sharon Medcalf, Ph.D., presented at the third annual Symposium on the Prevention of the Biological Weapons Proliferation and Bioterrorism.

Apr 5, 2019

Sharon Medcalf, Ph.D., presents with Jameela al-Ajmi, M.D., senior consultant infectious diseases and executive director of infection prevention & control, Hamad Medical Corporation, at a bioterrorism symposium in Qatar.

National Public Health Week celebrated at UNMC

Students have planned a photo contest, wellness walk, games, parfait bar social and a breakfast.

Mar 28, 2019