Dr. Debra Romberger

Message from the Chair of the Department of Internal Medicine

We are in the holiday season with our American Thanksgiving a recent memory and plans for holidays of several traditions filling the calendar for December and early January. I recognize the holidays can bring a variety of stresses, but I hope each of us can find a few gratitude moments where we can celebrate some […]

Dec 4, 2023

Message from the Chair of the Department of Internal Medicine

Fall has arrived and with it many great seasonal activities! I hope you will all be able to enjoy some of your favorite ones. September is the month we recognize women in medicine. Dr. Phil Bierman (emeritus professor) and Dr. Elizabeth Reed have captured the history of a couple of the early women faculty in […]

Sep 26, 2022

Dr. Debra Romberger

Internal Medicine – Message from the Chair

Welcome Spring! More light in the evenings and at least some days with spring-like temperatures bring me a sense of hope. In this newsletter, we welcome our new primary care sub-interns who start in July along with our new categorical and preliminary residents who recently matched with us. We are excited to have them join […]

Mar 27, 2022

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