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Debra Romberger M.D. Internal Medicine Department Chair

From the Chair

I think it is fair to say we are all anxious for spring to arrive. Spring brings more opportunities to be outside. Connecting with nature is a way many of us re-energize and are reminded of what is most important and good in our lives. Activities that don’t require being outside also help ground us. […]

Feb 28, 2019

Dr. Debra Romberger

From the Chair

This newsletter highlights a number of faculty and trainee awards that have happened this fall. Several of these recognitions have a connection to the American College of Physicians (ACP) at the state, national and international level. The ACP has 154,000 members including international members and is the largest medical-specialty society in the world. It is […]

Nov 27, 2018

From the Chair

We welcome autumn and its more moderate temperatures; traditional activities like visiting pumpkin patches and picking apples; and Husker volleyball and football. Importantly for the department, many are busy teaching medical students and I encourage you to read the update from Dr. David O’Dell regarding the new and continuing roles for various faculty through the […]

Sep 21, 2018