Bill O’Neill UNMC public affairs

Faculty to elect senators via electronic ballot submission

This year, for the first time ever, faculty in all UNMC colleges will use an electronic system to select their Faculty Senate representatives. See story for details.

Apr 25, 2005

Dr. Maurer outlines UNMC’s winning strategy

An upbeat culture, combined with a winning strategy, yields unprecedented opportunity, UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., says.

Apr 22, 2005

Dr. Berger earns Outstanding Teaching Award

Her mother’s diagnosis and treatment for leukemia taught Ann Berger, Ph.D., compassion for cancer patients and their families. Her father’s work-related transfers and several moves taught her resiliency and the ability to accept change as a child. Three decades as a clinical oncology nurse have allowed her to apply real-life circumstances to her teaching. On Wednesday, Dr. Berger’s work as an educator will be recognized, when she receives one of three Outstanding Teaching Awards at the Annual Faculty Meeting. The meeting will begin at 4 p.m. in the Durham Research Center’s Scott auditorium.

Apr 19, 2005

Dr. Bessmer earns Outstanding Teaching Award

Upon entering medical school in 1989, Joel Bessmer, M.D., thought he’d get his degree, finish a residency and head back to central Nebraska to practice medicine. Then, the late LeeRoy Meyer, M.D., told Dr. Bessmer he had a gift for teaching, and that he would best serve his profession by pursuing a career in academic medicine. A decade after heeding Dr. Meyer’s advice, Dr. Bessmer will be honored for his work in education when he receives an Outstanding Teaching Award at Wednesday’s Annual Faculty Meeting.

Apr 19, 2005

Dr. Heywood receives Outstanding Teaching Award

Summarizing a patient’s 10-minute self-history into one sentence may be difficult, but it’s one way that Barbara Heywood, M.D., challenges the students and residents who participate in an ENT elective in the ENT clinic. For her efforts, Dr. Heywood will receive one of three Outstanding Teaching Awards during Wednesday’s Annual Faculty Meeting.

Apr 19, 2005

Dr. Medder to receive Spirit of Community Service Award

Jim Medder, M.D., admits he doesn’t like being interviewed much, and he’s exceedingly humble when asked about his service to the community. If one looks at his accomplishments or speaks to his colleagues, however, it becomes obvious that Dr. Medder’s work in the community speaks volumes. For his work, Dr. Medder is being honored with the second annual Spirit of Community Service Award. Dr. Medder will receive his award on Wednesday, April 20, at the Annual Faculty Meeting. The meeting will begin at 4 p.m. in the Durham Research Center auditorium.

Apr 18, 2005

UNMC, Moscow State University sign agreement

A newly signed agreement for scientific cooperation and exchange between UNMC and Moscow State University formalizes a relationship that already has seen the universities’ faculty and students working together, especially in the areas of polymer science and nanotechnology.

Apr 15, 2005

Dr. Leuschen to be honored for mentoring graduate students

On Wednesday, M. Patricia Leuschen, Ph.D., veteran researcher and longtime director of the Medical Sciences Interdepartmental Area (MSIA) Graduate Program, will receive the inaugural UNMC Outstanding Mentor of Graduate Students Award at the Annual Faculty Meeting. The 4 p.m. meeting is in the Durham Research Center auditorium.

Apr 15, 2005

Governor to present McFadden Lectureship April 14

Gov. Dave Heineman, who has led the state’s efforts in bioterrorism preparedness since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, will present the prestigious Harry W. McFadden, Jr., M.D., Lectureship at UNMC on Thursday, April 14 at 9 a.m. in the Durham Research Center’s Scott Auditorium.

Apr 13, 2005

Dr. Smith to receive inaugural Sparks Award

Philip Smith, M.D., a longtime leader in Nebraska public health, will receive the first Robert D. Sparks, M.D., Award in Public Health and Preventive Medicine at the University of Nebraska’s inaugural Public Health Day on Thursday, April 7.

Apr 6, 2005