Bill O’Neill UNMC public affairs
Geneticists celebrate 50 years of the double helix
Today, scientists worldwide are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the article, published in Nature, that described the now famous “double helix” model that describes how DNA is structured. It’s hard to imagine science without the three-dimensional structure of DNA, Shelley Smith, Ph.D., says.
Apr 25, 2003
Bioterrorism symposia planned across the state
Four, two-day bioterrorism symposia have been scheduled for across Nebraska to help educate health-care providers and first responders about the indicators of bioterrorism-related illnesses, as well as treatments for those illnesses. See story for details.
Apr 25, 2003
Pharmacy fraternity raises $2,500 for cystic fibrosis camp
The Kappa Psi chapter of the College of Pharmacy recently raised $2,500 for a camp for children with cystic fibrosis. Fourteen teams competed in this year’s “Hoops for Healing” basketball tournament, an annual event that the fraternity chapter organizes and conducts.
Apr 24, 2003
Bresnick, former Eppley Institute director, dies
Edward Bresnick, Ph.D., director of the Eppley Institute from 1983 to 1989, died Thursday, March 27, from an apparent heart attack.
Apr 4, 2003
UNMC cessation program helps employee snuff the habit
Esther Collins smoked two packs of cigarettes for 25 years. On Wednesday, four years after quitting the addictive habit, the Business Services coordinator tested her cleared-out lungs by participating in a torch run as part of the Snuff Out Tobacco project. UNMC’s Center for Healthy Living and department of internal medicine were contributors to the campaign.
Apr 4, 2003
Chancellor: UNMC must sustain momentum through tough times
UNMC must continue to proceed with vigor on its strategic priorities, overcoming any obstacles that a sagging economy and reduced state funding may bring. That was the message Monday from UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., who addressed about 150 faculty at their annual meeting.
Apr 2, 2003
Dr. Booth finds rewards in teaching
When James Booth, Ph.D., was offered a teaching assistant position upon beginning his doctoral education, he was terrified at the thought of presenting lectures in front of a classroom of students. More than three decades and hundreds of lectures later, Dr. Booth was honored Monday with the UNMC Outstanding Teaching Award. Due to a reporter’s error, the incorrect version of this story ran in Friday’s UNMC Today. We regret the error. Click for the correct version.
Apr 2, 2003
Researcher discovers joy in teaching
Recruited as a researcher, James Turpen, Ph.D., delivered exactly two lectures to students during his first three years at UNMC. After being invited to help teach the embryology core, Dr. Turpen gained an appreciation for integrating basic science with clinical practice. This is the last in a three-part series highlighting UNMC’s Outstanding Teachers.
Mar 31, 2003
Faculty to be honored with 30-year service awards
Five UNMC faculty members will be honored for 30 years of service to UNMC at the Annual Faculty Meeting on Monday. The meeting will begin at 4 p.m. at the Eppley Science Hall Amphitheater. An overflow room will be available in the Eppley Institute, Room 2009. The faculty members include Jeffrey Baldwin, Pharm.D., of the College of Pharmacy, as well as College of Medicine faculty Jean Deupree, Ph.D., William Gust, M.D., Michael Mann, Ph.D., and Robert Ramaley, Ph.D. See story for a short biosketch of each honored faculty member.
Mar 31, 2003
Dr. Booth finds rewards in teaching
When James Booth, Ph.D., was offered a teaching assistant position upon beginning his doctoral education, he was terrified at the thought of presenting lectures in front of a classroom of students. More than three decades and hundreds of lectures later, Dr. Booth is being honored with the UNMC Outstanding Teaching Award. This is the second in a three-part series on UNMC’s outstanding teachers.
Mar 28, 2003