Bill O’Neill UNMC public affairs

Campus forums today and tomorrow

Campus forums for faculty and staff are scheduled for today and Wednesday.

Nov 6, 2007

Campus forums scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday

Campus forums for faculty and staff are scheduled for next Tuesday and Wednesday.

Nov 1, 2007

Pharmacy alumnus hard at work at Phoenix VA

As the lone pharmacist dedicated to clinical trials at the Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center in Phoenix, John Paul Nelson, Pharm.D., has to be organized, efficient and detail-oriented.

Jun 25, 2007

Ground to break on low-vision clinic today

A groundbreaking celebration for the region’s only not-for-profit comprehensive center for visual rehabilitation of adults and children will take place today at UNMC.

Apr 27, 2007

Dr. Kabanov receives NU’s research and creativity award

Someone unfamiliar with Alexander “Sasha” Kabanov’s research could surmise the vastness of its impact by looking only at the origination points of his award nomination’s supporting letters: Tokyo, Japan; Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom; Chapel Hill, N.C.; San Francisco, Calif.; and Cambridge, Mass. Take a closer look at those letters and the other nomination materials for Dr. Kabanov, and it’s easy to understand why the expert in nanomedicine and drug delivery is the recipient of this year’s Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award (ORCA), given annually by the University of Nebraska.

Apr 19, 2007

Dr. Hinrichs named inaugural NU IDEA recipient

The effort needed to achieve great results in research and outreach, says Steven Hinrichs, M.D., is more analogous to the teamwork of producing a movie than it is to an individual completing a piece of artwork. That’s the humble North Dakota native’s way of saying that he doesn’t deserve all of the credit for the accomplishments that have earned him the University of Nebraska’s inaugural Innovation, Development and Entrepreneurship Award (IDEA).

Apr 17, 2007

End of Ak-Sar-Ben reign caps ‘special year’ for Dr. Maurer

UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer’s reign as Ak-Sar-Ben king will end this weekend, capping a “special year” for Dr. Maurer and his wife, Beverly.

Oct 13, 2006

Coordinating Commission approves College of Public Health

The Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education Tuesday unanimously approved establishment of the College of Public Health at UNMC. The action endorsed the July 28 action of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents.

Sep 20, 2006

UNMC breaks ground on second research tower

UNMC broke ground Tuesday on a $74 million research tower, the second such tower to be built at the Omaha campus this decade. The ceremonial groundbreaking also honored the principal donor to the two towers, legendary Omaha businessman Chuck Durham, president and CEO of Durham Resources.

Aug 9, 2006

UNMC to break ground on second research tower

The University of Nebraska Medical Center will break ground on a $74 million research tower on Tuesday, Aug. 8, the second such tower to be built at the Omaha campus this decade.
The ceremonial groundbreaking will honor the principal donor to the two towers, legendary Omaha businessman Chuck Durham, president and CEO of Durham Resources.
“No one has embraced our research vision more than Chuck Durham. It’s appropriate to recognize his unmatched contributions to our research enterprise as we mark this milestone,” UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., said.

Aug 7, 2006