Dr. Mikuls featured in New England Journal of Medicine

Ted Mikuls, MD

Ted Mikuls, MD, the Stokes-Shackelford Professor of Rhuematology in the UNMC Department of Internal Medicine, authored a review in the Nov. 17 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, the country’s most prestigious medical journal

Dr. Mikuls’ 11-page review, titled “Gout,” provides a framework for understanding the health care burden posed by gout, as well as its diagnosis and management.

 “Gout manifests as painful, debilitating arthritis,” Dr. Mikuls writes. “Treatments are effective but often not prescribed properly. Management involves both treatment for flares and ongoing medication to lower urate levels.”

As a rheumatologist and epidemiologist, Dr. Mikuls has had a long-term interest in gout. He said it was humbling to be asked to write the review.

“The New England Journal of Medicine provides a major platform for cutting-edge research and reviews, so it’s an honor to be considered for this effort,” he said.

He noted that gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis worldwide, but its effects on patients are continuing to grow.

“Gout is often thought of as a non-serious and self-inflicted condition by both patients and providers,” he said. “I hope this review begins to dispel these misconceptions and ultimately moves the needle in terms of patients with gout receiving high-quality care.”

Dr. Mikuls credited his colleagues from UNMC and the Omaha VA for their support for the article. “It takes a team to do research, and I am surrounded by a fantastic team that makes invitations like this possible,” he said.

Bradley Britigan, MD, dean of the UNMC College of Medicine, offered Dr. Mikuls his congratulations on his “comprehensive, well-written” piece.

“It greatly enhanced my understanding of the current status of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of this common problem,” Dr. Britigan said. “To have this work appear in perhaps the most prestigious medical journal in the world is a testament to the high regard that Dr. Mikuls is held in this research area, and it adds to the growing recognition of the outstanding quality of the faulty at UNMC.”


  1. John Keenan says:

    Congratulations, Dr. Mikuls.

  2. Rebekah Gundry says:

    Congrats, Dr. Mikuls! Well done!

  3. Lisa Runco says:

    Way to go Dr. Mikuls!

  4. Shannon Thomsen says:

    Congratulations Dr. Mikuls!

  5. Karen Gould says:

    Excellent news, Ted! Heartiest congratulations.

  6. James Newland says:

    Outstanding, Dr. Mikuls. Congratulations!

  7. Tom O’Connor says:

    U da’ man, Ted!

  8. Vivian Capurro says:

    Congratulations, Dr. Mikuls!

  9. Dong Wang says:

    Congrats, Ted! Nice paper!

  10. Stephen Salzbrenner says:

    Congrats Ted!

  11. Nancy Woelfl says:

    Kudos to you, Dr. Mikuls — a seasoned investigator, superb clinician, and all ‘round nice guy. John and I thank you for your previous care.

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