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Research highlights

Gargi Ghosal, PhD

The UNMC College of Medicine received grant and funding awards representing more than $10 million in new funding in June.

Jana Broadhurst, MD, PhD, pathology/microbiology, received a grant of $2,500,000 from DHHS/CDC for a study on strengthening health care infection prevention and control and improving patient safety in the United States.

Iqbal Javeed, PhD, pathology/microbiology, received a grant of $1,060,4671 from the U.S. Army/USAMRAA/CDMRP to study genomic biomarker driven treatment strategy in PTCL.

Jingwei Xie, PhD, surgery-transplant, received a grant of $470,967 from DHHS/NIH/NIDCR for a study of biomimetic and injectable highly porous nanofiber microsphere-based platform for alveolar bone regeneration.

Yulong Li, MD, PhD, emergency medicine, received a grant of $376,075 from DHHS/NIH to study the neuromuscular junction as a therapeutic target to improve post-traumatic outcomes.

Gargi Ghosal, PhD, genetics, cell biology and anatomy, received a grant of $314,675 from DHHS/NIH to study regulation of SPRTN protease and SPRTN-mediated DNA-protein crosslink repair.

Stephen Obaro, MD, PhD, pediatrics-infectious diseases, received a grant of $269,172 from Redeemer’s University to study Combatting AntiMicrobial Resistance in Africa (CAMRA) using data science.

Scot Ouellette, PhD, pathology/microbiology, received a grant of $251,179 from DHHS/NIH/NIAD to study functional analysis of the Clp protease systems in chlamydial growth and differentiation.

Larisa Poluektova, MD, PhD, pharmacology/experimental neuroscience, received a grant of $230,250 from DHHS/NIH to study enhancement of human immune system development in mouse models.

Matthew Halanski, MD, orthopaedic surgery, received a grant of $214,867 from DHHS/NIH for knifeless limb lengthening: critical advancement of an innovative therapy.

Siwei Zhao, PhD, surgery-transplant, received a grant of $164,099 from DHHS/NIH/NIAMS for a novel high-intensity iontophoresis-based antibiotic delivery device for efficacious eradication of chronic wound biofilms.

Siddappa Byrareddy, PhD, pharmacology/experimental neuroscience, received a grant of $140,000 from the Wistar Institute for evaluation of a transplant-specific outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (T-OPAT) program: A quasi-experimental study.

Scott Campbell, PhD, pathology/microbiology, received a grant of $66,837 from West Virginia University for the West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute: Improving health through partnerships and transformative research N3C initiative.

Gwenn Skar, MD, pediatrics-infectious diseases, received a grant of $62,084 from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences for a study on improving pediatric COVID-19 vaccine uptake using an mHealth tool: a randomized, controlled trial.

Sarah Holstein, MD, PhD, internal medicine-oncology/hematology, received a grant of $50,000 from the Nebraska DHHS to study GDPS inhibition in pancreas cancer: effects on chemotherapy resistance.

Saraswathi Viswanathan, PhD, internal medicine-DEM, received a grant of $50,000 from the Nebraska DHHS to study novel metabolic alteration in pancreatic cancer and its implications for therapy.

Pi-Wan Cheng, PhD, biochemistry and molecular biology, received a grant of $50,000 from the Nebraska DHHS to study alcohol-induced sialo-mucin glycans protect cancer cells from immune surveillance.

Jitu George, PhD, OB-GYN, received a grant of $50,000 from the Nebraska DHHS to study PRC1 involvement in pathogenesis of uterine fibroids.

Armen Petrosyan, PhD, biochemistry and molecular biology, received a grant of $50,000 from the Nebraska DHHS to study targeting ER stress as a new therapeutic for advanced prostate cancer.

Prakash Kshirsagar, biochemistry and molecular biology, received a grant of $50,000 from the Nebraska DHHS to study novel microRNA biosensing technology for non-invasive diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

Meghana Kesireddy, MBBS, internal medicine-oncology/hematology, received a grant of $50,000 from the American Society of Clinical Oncology to study delineating genetic subtypes and their clinical significance in mantle cell lymphoma.

Rebecca Slotkowski, pediatrics-newborn medicine, received a grant of $40,352 from the DHHS/NIH for SPARKLED: Social Programming Affects Risk in Kids of Latent Endothelial Disease.

Afshin Salehi, MD, neurosurgery, received a grant of $40,000 from the Edna Ittner Trust Fund UN Foundation to study the design of targeted photosensitizing nanoparticles to enhance laser interstitial thermal therapy against pediatric glioblastoma.

Steve Gliske, PhD, neurosurgery, received a grant of $39,365 from the University of Michigan to characterizing high frequency oscillations as an epilepsy biomarker with big data tools.

Ashley Deschamp, MD, pediatric-pulmonology, received a grant of $16,867 from Creighton University to study genetic markers for susceptibility or resistance to ototoxicity.

Kusum Kharbanda, PhD, internal medicine-GI, received a grant of $15,396 as an IPA for Madan Arumugam — Impaired methylation alters lipid droplet dynamics in liver and adipose tissue: Role in hepatic steatosis.

Weiwei Zhang, PhD, pathology/microbiology, received a grant of $8,842 from Beckman Research Institute City of Hope genomic subtyping of cutaneous CD30+ lymphoproliferative disorders.

Ruben Quiros, MD, pediatrics-gastroenterology, received a grant of $8,000 from the Hospital for Sick Children for the Global Alagille Alliance Study.

Jill Beck, MD, pediatrics-hematology/oncology, received funding for the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program.

Industry-sponsored grants and contracts:

The following industry-sponsored contracts and foundation grants were received.

Diana Florescu, MD, internal medicine-infectious diseases, received funding for a trial to assess clinical efficacy, safety and reactogenicity of the recombinant MVA-BN-RSV vaccine in adults 60 years of age.

Daniel Murman, MD, neurological sciences, received funding for a study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of gantenerumab in participants at risk for or in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

Shane Tsai, MD, internal medicine-cardiovascular, received funding for the Cardiac Rhythm & Heart Failure (CRHF) Product Surveillance Registry (PSR).

Tammy Wichmann, MD, internal medicine-pulmonary, received funding for a study to evaluate the effects of sotatercept when added to background pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) therapy for the  treatment of PAH (SOTERIA).

Erica Strohs, internal medicine-infectious diseases, received funding for evaluation of a transplant-specific outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (T-OPAT) program: A quasi-experimental study.

James Harper, MD, pediatrics-hematology/oncology, received funding for a study to investigate efficacy and safety of NNC0365-3769 (Mim8) in adults and adolescents with haemophilia A with or without inhibitors.

Hani Haider, PhD, orthopaedic surgery, received funding for a work order: An in vitro durability study on the patellar components from a total knee replacement system.

Kelsey Klute, MD, internal medicine-oncology-hematology, received funding for a PRECEDE Consortium site payment.

Dr. Broadhurst received funding for CareCubes validation.

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