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As seen on campus: Goat yoga

UNMC's Center for Healthy Living held a goat yoga session in the gym on May 24.

Goat yoga is exactly what it sounds like — yoga, with goats. On May 24, UNMC's Center for Healthy Living held a goat yoga session. While participants from the UNMC community completed the yoga routine, the goats meandered, climbed and jumped their way through the class.

Here is a view of the scene from UNMC's Kent Sievers.

For more from the yoga class, see this Flickr album.

Wayne Howell performs a forward facing selfie.

Chaeli Fortina greets one of the goats participating in the session.

Hello, UNMC

Goat yoga at the UNMC Center for Healthy Living, 2022


  1. Lynne Niemeyer says:

    Love it!!

  2. Terri Vadovski says:

    So cute!! looks like fun!

  3. Tracy Hanzek says:

    I absolutely love this and love seeing so many member of my team participating!

  4. Tessa Wells says:

    This is fantastic – how fun!

  5. B. Shook says:

    Oh that's such good mental health therapy as well, so much fun.

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