University supporters show their love for NU

UNMC supporters participated in "I Love NU Day" at the Nebraska State Capitol.

Dozens of University of Nebraska students, alumni and supporters traveled to the Nebraska State Capitol in Lincoln on Wednesday to meet with legislators for "I Love NU Day."

The event was an opportunity for individuals to show support for the university and visit with state senators about the work and impact of the NU System’s four campuses.

University of Nebraska System President Ted Carter greeted supporters during the event.

"There is no aspect of Nebraska life, not one single thing that is done in this state, that is not touched by the University of Nebraska," he said.

"Tell the senators that represent your district, or whatever senators you talk to, your personal stories," he told students and supporters. "Because it truly matters, and your voices, particularly on this day, I Love NU Day, matter more than anything."

Sen. John Stinner, chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and Sen. Jen Day, a member of the Education Committee, greeted the NU students and supporters before they were led to the legislative chamber’s balcony, where they were recognized by legislators with a round of applause.

UNMC Student Regent Taylor Kratochvil called I Love NU Day one of the "cooler" events of the year.

"This is a special time for us to be able to be involved in the Unicameral," he said. "We’re at this intersection that we’re going to see a lot of growth in the university over the next few years."

During an afternoon break in the session, legislators came to speak to NU students and supporters.

Tyler Jones, a fifth-year PhD student at UNMC, was one of the students who came to the event to support UNMC.

"I have absolutely enjoyed and appreciated my time at the University of Nebraska, the medical center especially," he said. "The opportunities they provided me in order to expand my education beyond just research (and) getting involved in things such as the unicameral has been incredible, and it’s been a great opportunity for me to grow as a person."