COM resident of the month

Annie Heenan, MD

Name: Annie Heenan, MD

Medical school you attended/year you graduated: St. George’s University, graduated in 2017

Residency/fellowship at UNMC: Internal Medicine-Pediatrics

Program director: Allison Ashford, MD

How long is your training program and how long have you been at UNMC? I’m in my fourth and final year of training in the Med-Peds program.

What do you like the most about your training program?

My training program gives us experience in so many different training environments, including both inpatient and outpatient care for pediatrics and adults, which prepares us to be well rounded in general medicine or to go on to specialty care. We also have a close-knit group of residents and the most supportive faculty and program director!

What challenges do you foresee in graduate medical education in the future:

One of the challenges I foresee in GME is continuing to make changes to resident and medical student curriculums to improve wellness while ensuring adequate exposure to patient care so we can be prepared for independent practice.

List some accomplishments that you are proud of:

  • Med-Peds chief resident 2020-2021
  • Winner of Nebraska ACP resident and fellow case presentation in 2020
  • Recipient of National Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Association advocacy grant 2020

Tell us three things about you that others may not know:

  • I’ll be starting as a primary care outpatient physician this fall in Colorado where I grew up.
  • I have a 2-year-old son, Brady.
  • I played volleyball in college.
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