Research office provides update on ongoing studies

As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to develop, and to reduce risk to subjects and to investigators, the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research is imposing the following restrictions on human subject research.

All research which involves face-to-face contact that has no direct subject benefit should be halted. No further accrual, research interventions, or assessments may take place, unless done remotely. If you wish to modify existing research to perform interventions or assessments remotely you must submit a Request for Change in Protocol to the IRB.

In addition, new subject accruals for research which involves face-to-face contact and where there is only moderate or limited direct benefit must also be halted. Research interventions and assessments on already enrolled subjects may continue as long as those interventions can be performed with minimal risk to subjects and there is staff personnel available to complete those visits.

For now, studies with high (significant) direct benefit to subjects (such as cancer therapy trials, or similar therapeutic research) may continue as long as adequate precautions are taken to minimize the risk of contagion and there is staff personnel available to complete those visits. Each research team should be assessing their studies on a case by case basis and make changes as they can to reduce risk to participants and research personnel.

Research who will be continuing studies that meet the criteria must notify the IRB through the message portal in RSS.

Those who have questions or need assistance can contact the Office of Regulatory Affairs. .

A list of Frequently Asked Questions is be posted on the IRB website and on the Vice-Chancellor for Research Operations blog.