Hinkle Earns Extraordinary Nurse Award

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Allison Hinkle was awarded the Extraordinary Nurse Award on Wednesday, May 8, during National Nurses Week. Hinkle received multiple nominations from her peers who touted her positive, compassionate and reliable demeanor.
“I have seen her with patients while they talk,” said one anonymous nominator. “She makes it seem like there are no time constraints, never rushing the patient or their family.”
“She serves as a patient advocate and always demonstrates open and honest communication with patients, staff, and students,” said another nominator. “Allie is an excellent CRNA and I feel fortunate to call her my coworker. I know that if I ever need anything, she will be there without fail to help, no questions asked.”
Department leaders also championed Hinkle’s award-winning performance. Tiffany Olson, associate director of nurse anesthesia, resounded Hinkle’s talent, leadership and positivity.
“She truly exemplifies what we look for as a member of our team and we are fortunate to have her as part of our department,” Olson said.
Hinkle, who was humbled by the recognition, said she most enjoys being a nurse for the human connection and opportunity to impact someone’s life. Her career with Nebraska Medicine began in 2005 as a technician in the Intensive Care Unit. She also worked as an ICU registered nurse before spending the past five years as a CRNA in the Department of Anesthesiology. She credits her peers for the mentorship and inspiration they provided that helped lead her to excellence.
“It’s definitely every person—patients, families, colleagues—who make Nebraska Medicine so great to me,” Hinkle said. “We all lift each other up. The connections I’ve made here will last a lifetime.”
The Department of Anesthesiology extends our gratitude for and celebration of all our excellent nurses.