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Internal Medicine 2018 Top Teachers

Methods and Assumptions:

1. There is evaluation data on approximately 120-130 faculty members. Thus, approximately 40 faculty members could be rewarded as a top teacher.
2. In order to be considered for the top 33%, a faculty member had to acquire at least five evaluations from either students or residents during the last year.
3. A separate list of the top 40 teachers with at least four evaluations are compiled from both the students and resident data.
4. If a faculty member was on both the resident top teacher list and the student top teacher list, they were determined to be a "Top Teacher" 13 faculty were on both lists.
5. The remaining faculty members on either of the two list were then placed on a composite list and their student and resident evaluations were compiled for a weighted average. From this composite list an additional 23 faculties were chosen as "Top Teachers."
6. The faculty receiving excellent evaluations for their basic science lectures (Z score>1.0 SD) are also recognized and qualify as a top teacher unless they were on the previous list. Four additional faculty qualified.

                               Internal Medicine 2018 Top Teachers
     Nathan Anderson, M.D.                                      Chelsea Navarrette, M.D.
       Allison Ashford, M.D.                                         Amy Neumeister, M.D.
        Sara Bares, M.D.                                             Scott Neumeister, M.D.
      Brian Boerner, M.D.                                               David O’Dell, M.D.
     Amy Cannella, M.D.                                              James O’Dell, M.D.
     Brian Delaney, M.D.                                                 Amol Patil, M.D.
      Eric Ehlers, M.D.                                                   Troy Plumb, M.D.
   Whitney Goldner, M.D.                                            Craig Piquette, M.D.
  Andrew Goldsweig, M.D.                                   Valerie Prescher-Buman, M.D.
    Elizabeth Harlow, M.D.                                          Joseph Sisson, M.D.
Michelene Hearth-Holmes, M.D.                              Christopher Smith, M.D.
    Daniel Hershberger, M.D.                                       Michael Smith, M.D.
      Rachel Johnson, M.D.                                             Ben Teply, M.D.
        Kelsey Klute, M.D.                                             Melissa Teply, M.D.
     Trek Langenhan, M.D.                                     Trevor VanSchooneveld, M.D.
      William Lyons, M.D.                                           Scott Westphal, M.D.
   Jasmine Marcelin, M.D.                                        Tammy Wichman, M.D.
   Christine Mitchell, M.D.                                             Rae Witt, M.D.
   Stephen Mohring, M.D.                                          Renee Young, M.D.
     Ryan Mullane, D.O.                                                Jill Zabih, M.D.

                                 Outside Distinguished Teacher                 
                                          Isaac Berg, M.D.   

                                   Outside Distinguished Teacher
                                            (Honorable Mention)
                                             Amy Cutright, M.D.
                                            Richard Walker, M.D.
                                            Jordan Warchol, M.D.