Research studio program offered to full-time faculty

Ted Mikuls, M.D., director of the Professional Development Core for the GP IDeA-CTR

The Great Plains IDeA-CTR coordinates a studio program which offers a dynamic and integrative way of increasing and improving the quality of clinical and translational research. This program was developed by Vanderbilt University, and has been implemented at various institutions across the country.

A session consists of a structured and collaborative roundtable discussion bringing together relevant research experts, to help investigators with specific questions at a specific stage in the research process. Asked about the studios, Ted Mikuls, M.D., director of the Professional Development Core for the GP IDeA-CTR, said, “The studios provide junior faculty with an innovative and efficient way to springboard their clinical translational research.”

Studio format

A 60-minute consultation with a panel of four to six carefully selected experts from varied disciplines.

  • Investigator presents brief (10-15 minute) summary.
  • Focused discussion with experts. The conversation is moderated to maintain focus on problem-solving and the development of helpful solutions.
  • Moderator and panelists provide summarized comments. Following the session, the investigator receives a summary report and audio recording from the discussion for the investigator’s ongoing reference.

Studio consultation types:

  • Aims page review and refinement
  • Mock review of grant application
  • Brainstorming session, particularly for individuals that have hit a funding roadblock.


  • Faculty from participating institutions who are not full professors (with preference to assistant and associate professors). Priority will be given to individuals who have unsuccessfully applied for prior Great Plains IDeA-CTR funding (Scholar or Pilot program applications).
  • Previous or current Scholar/Pilot awardees are not eligible.
  • Other applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The service is free. If interested, please fill out the request form through the link below and attach your proposal, biosketch, and other documents listed in the studio options on our website.

Request a research studio.

For additional information or to set up a studio, please contact the Great Plains IDeA-CTR office at 402-552-2260 or by email.

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1 comment

  1. LuAnn Larson says:

    Very interesting – What a great approach!!

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