Director’s message: A rewarding road

Karoly Mirnics, M.D., Ph.D.

I recently was told about an child with autism who was sitting on his mother’s lap after a particularly tough day at school.

“Mommy,” he said, “I want a new brain. My brain is too different.”

The beginning of a new school year can be hard for children with disabilities and complex health care needs and their families. Parents work with educators to devise individualized education plans, to set goals, and to ensure the child is an integral part of the community, but the awareness of difference — both on the part of the parents and the child — can be hard. When some children hit educational and developmental markers with such seeming ease, it can be tempting to get caught up in comparison — to fixate on physical challenges or “different brains.”

Don’t. A difficult road can be a rewarding one. A different way of viewing things can yield unexpected beauty. There are particular challenges that our community faces, but know that we are facing them together. I’m proud that MMI is here to help you and your children as they grapple with these challenges. We are all unique, neurodiversity is what makes us human, and there is nothing wrong with that.