Security is important across the medical center

Beginning today, a key card will be required to access the Durham Research Center I and II. A security officer will be at the main entrance of Durham Research Center I to check badges, while all other entrances will require electronic key card access.

  • People who do not have badges will not be allowed in.
  • People planning to meet a vendor or collaborator at the Durham Research Center I and II will need to provide them with contact information. They will be expected to call you to come down and meet them at the main entrance.

Dealing with strangers in the workplace.

While new security measures go into place at the Durham Research Center I and II, security remains important across the medical center, said Bryan Scofield, assistant director of campus security. Scofield said there are several things UNMC/Nebraska Medicine colleagues can do to enhance safety in the medical center’s patient care and research spaces:

  • Colleagues should wear their UNMC/Nebraska Medicine badges at all times. They may be asked to produce it at any time.
  • Colleagues should not allow “tailgating” at any time. Everyone coming through a door or getting on an elevator should have a badge. In elevators, each person should use their own badge to get to the floor they need or be accompanied by someone who knows them and is assisting them. Colleagues should not “help” people without badges access secure areas. At the Durham Research Center I and II, if someone is riding the elevator without a badge, escort them off the elevator on Level 1 and call security at 559-5111.
  • Colleagues who see someone who appears out of place can ask how to help them (and point them to the right building if they got there by mistake). They also can call security dispatch, 559-5111.

“Security on campus is the responsibility of every medical center staffer, faculty member and student,” Scofield said. “Med center colleagues need to be aware of strangers and take note of people who may be trying to access secure and private areas.”


1 comment

  1. Elishia says:

    I work over at Clarkson Tower for Nebraska Medicine but I often come over and get lunch from the food vendors . how will this affect us who opt for lunch over in DRC? If it's cold out I usually travel via the skywalk from Buffett over to DRC and if it's nice I usually go through the main doors. thanks so much. totally agree security needs to be tightened in certain areas – I'm always on the lookout for tailgaters. Thanks again:)

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