Bridge to Care Refugee Health Fair set for Saturday

The biannual Refugee Health Fair, hosted by Bridge to Care, will be held Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Benson High School, 5120 Maple St.

Bridge to Care is a Legacy Project supported by the UNMC Office of Community Engagement and the Center for Reducing Health Disparities in the College of Public Health.

UNMC students representing all colleges will work alongside 25 student groups and community vendors to provide health education, screenings, and services to up to 500 Sudanese, Somali, Karen and Bhutanese refugees.

Free services will include flu immunizations as well as vision, dental and blood pressure and glucose level screenings. Information will be provided on nutrition, Medicaid services, dental hygiene and lead testing.

Services will be provided by many organizations, including:

  • UNMC College of Nursing;
  • UNMC College of Pharmacy;
  • UNMC College of Public Health;
  • UNMC College of Medicine;
  • UNMC Department of Ophthalmology;
  • Creighton University Dental;
  • Creighton Florence Clinic;
  • Charles Drew; and
  • Omaha Public Schools.

For more information, please email Bridge to Care.

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