Annual College of Nursing Awards announced

Award winners included, from left, Trina Aguirre, Ph.D., Colleen Kennedy, Diane Potter, Molly Belieu, Michelle Ellermeier, Shirley Tachenko Achord and Jessica Nielsen, D.N.P. (Not pictured, Becky Kreman, Ph.D., Cathy Tierney, Mary Cramer, Ph.D., and Patrick Rejda.)

The College of Nursing held its annual awards ceremony on May 10 in Lincoln.

Awards included:

picture disc.

Distinguished Team Award winners, from left, standing:
Jill Thewke, Gloria Geiselman, Lisa Muschall, Linda Dobson, Buffi Union, Bobbi Hartshorn, John Barrier, Barbara Hoover-Schulz, Patrick Rejda, Kristi Brummels, Molly Belieu & Gwen Porter. Sitting: Kris Claussen and Lori Turner.

  • Rosalee C. Yeaworth Teaching Excellence Award, received by Becky Kreman, Ph.D., West Nebraska Division
  • Ada M. Lindsey Professional Service Award, received by Shirley Tachenko Achord, Lincoln Division
  • Dean’s Teaching Excellence Award, received by Cathy Tierney, Northern Division
  • Donna Westmoreland Excellence in Faculty Mentoring Award, received by Colleen Kennedy, Northern Division
  • Pennie Z. Davis Faculty Research Award, received by Mary Cramer, Ph.D., Omaha Division and Trina Aguirre, Ph.D., West Nebraska Division
  • Kathryn Sandahl Philp Award for Creativity and Innovation, received by Jessica Nielsen, D.N.P., Omaha Division
  • Spirit of Shared Governance Award, received by Michelle Ellermeier, Kearney Division
  • Staff Excellence Award, received by Patrick Rejda, Omaha Division
  • Staff Leadership Award, received by Molly Belieu, Omaha Division
  • Staff Spirit Award, received by Diane Potter, Lincoln Division

The Distinguished Team Award was received by the GSO Committees — Steering, Membership Engagement & Professional Development. Members are John Barrier, Molly Belieu, Lori Cooley, Barbara Hoover-Schultz, Lisa Muschall, Patrick Rejda, Jill Thewke, Lori Turner and Buffi Union (all Omaha Division); Kristi Brummels and Gwen Porter (Northern Division); Kris Claussen (Lincoln Division), Linda Dobson and Bobbi Hartshorn (West Nebraska Division); and Gloria Geiselman (Kearney Division).