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Student spotlight: Kushal Karan, M.D.

Kushal Karan, M.D.

Education is one of the four pillars of UNMC’s mission and our students are the lifeblood of that aspect of campus life.

In UNMC Today’s Student Spotlight, we get to know some of these students, who will become tomorrow’s health care professionals.

Today we meet Kushal Karan, a second-year student in public health administration, College of Public Health.

  • Name: Kushal Karan, M.D.
  • Hometown: Placentia, Calif.
  • Program/Year: M.P.H. in public health administration, second year

List three songs on your playlist.

  • “Alone in Kyoto,” Air
  • “Miami Showdown,” Digitalism
  • “Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Mix),” Rob D

What sparked your interest in public health?
My interest in public health stems from my family background. I grew up in a family of physicians (we are currently on our fourth generation of doctors). Growing up surrounded by people in the health care field really influenced my future career path. It gave me an early opportunity to observe the various health issues afflicting patients. Attending medical school led to an interest in the business/administrative side of providing health care services. The pursuit of a degree in public health is a natural continuation of my interests in improving health services and outcomes.

Your favorite study snack is:
“Murmura.” An Indian snack my mother makes that is made of crispy rice, spices and a combination of other ingredients. I can eat bags and bags of it.

Your favorite app is:
NYTimes. I like to start and end my day reading the latest U.S. and international news.

Three things people may not know about you.

  • I have lived in three countries and six states here in the U.S. (so far).
  • My favorite sport is cricket. I especially enjoy watching test cricket, which is the five-day version of the game.
  • I used to play the violin in an orchestra. (Sadly, I can’t even read music anymore.)