MMI UCEDD members present work at conference

From left, UCEDD Director Wayne Stuberg, Ph.D., Kim Falk, Sarah Swanson, Rachel Ray, Tara Harper and Mark Smith.

Members of the Munroe-Meyer Institute’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disorders (UCEDD) recently presented their work at the 2016 Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference in Washington, D.C.

Posters and presentations included:

  • Wayne Stuberg, Ph.D., UCEDD director: “UCEDD Round Table Discussion on Collaboration with Centers for Independent Living.”
  • Mark Smith, UCEDD assistant professor: “Fabric Not Fringe: Weaving Family Involvement Strategies into LENDs and Other Professional Disability Related Training Programs” and “Nothing About Us Without Us: Increasing Leadership Opportunities for People with Disabilities.” (Note: LENDs stands for Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities)
  • Sarah Swanson, consumer family coordinator: Poster, “Integrating Disability into Public Health; Parents Resource Coordinators are Community Health Workers.”
  • Kimberly Falk, respite employer engagement coordinator (with Swanson): Respite Concurrent, “Respite: An Upstream Approach to Keeping Individuals in Their Homes and Supporting Family Caregivers”
  • Tara Harper, UCEDD program associate: Poster, “Implementing a Transition Model with Adults, UNMC/Nebraska Medicine’s Project Search Impact on Competitive Employment for Adults with Disabilities”
  • Rachel Ray, UCEDD program associate: Poster, “Overcoming Educational and Health Disparities for African-American Children with Autism: How Parent Resource Coordinators Connect Families to Services.”