INBRE Scholars: Hannah Durant

Hannah Durant

The Nebraska Institutional Development Award Program (IDeA) Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) program has welcomed 27 undergraduate students from across Nebraska as they embark on their summer research experience at Creighton University, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and UNMC.

Below, Hannah Durant, a physics and pre-medicine track major at Creighton University, talks about her INBRE experience.

What should we know about you?
I have only gone to schools where the colors are blue and white.

What or who influenced your interest in science?
My high school biology teacher, Ms. Be, taught the subject in a fun and conceptual way that motivated me to continue learning about science.

What is it about science that excites you?
There is always something new to learn. I think everyone should learn something new every day. It can be as simple as discovering an unknown hook in a closet, a fun fact that elephants communicate with each other by tapping their trucks against the ground, or even learning that benzene rings are very stable in organic chemistry. Whatever it may be, you should always read and share your knowledge with those around you. It is important to keep your mind agile and healthy just in case you find yourself on the TV show “Jeopardy.”

Will you pursue a career in science? If so, what do you hope to accomplish?
I would like to pursue a career in either the biotech industry or in medicine. My goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Why is it important to have programs like INBRE?
The INBRE program provides me with the opportunity to explore a career in research through hands-on experience within the biomedical research field. I am able to learn about the subject from a new perspective and gain the confidence to pursue a career that has a positive impact on society.