INBRE Scholars: Samantha Stoupa

Samantha Stoupa

The Nebraska Institutional Development Award Program (IDeA) Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) program has welcomed 27 undergraduate students from across Nebraska as they embark on their summer research experience at Creighton University, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and UNMC.

Below, Samantha Stoupa, a biochemistry major at Creighton University, talks about her INBRE experience.

Tell me about yourself. Who are your heroes?
I am inspired by moments of simple goodness: bike rides on a nice day, cooking a meal with my favorite lady (my mom!), making s’mores with friends. Family, friends, faith and nature are everything to me. My heroes are first and foremost my parents; they’ve shown me everything about hard work, the importance of family, and compassion. The Jesuits are also personal heroes of mine. I think that their philosophy of faith is beautiful, and I’m inspired every day by the ways in which they permeate and inspire life on campus at Creighton. And then in terms of my science heroes, that has to be Dr. Julie Soukup, my research mentor at Creighton. She has shown me the ins and outs of research science, and she models to me what it means to be a strong woman in a research career.

What are your career goals?
At this point, I am trying to discern between medicine and a more research-oriented path. I could also see myself doing an M.D./Ph.D. program and ending up with a foot in both areas. Many decisions to be made in the next few years, for sure, but I know that continued participation in lab and clinical settings will help me determine the best path.

How did you become interested in science?
I’ve been interested in science since childhood. I found year after year that science classes were always my favorite. I consider myself to be a very practical person, and so I appreciate the clear applications of the life sciences to human life and nature. Throughout my pursuit of sciences so far in college, I have continued to find the coursework intriguing and applicable, and I’ve found tremendous support from the science faculty and fellow students at Creighton. Overall, I feel a sense of being in the right place with science.

What do you hope the INBRE program will do for you?
I hope that the INBRE program will expose me to a wide range of opportunities in the world of scientific research. Although I’m really set on making a career within science, I’m really unsure about where I want to take that. The more exposure I get though to different lab settings and various science professionals through the INBRE program, the more I know I will begin to find my place.


  1. Judy Kenyon says:

    You are an asset to this campus, Samantha.

    Judy Kenyon

  2. Dana S'aulis says:

    Best aldehyde synthesis EVER! It's been a pleasure having you in our lab.

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