Chancellor’s Candid Conversations forum in Lincoln

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.

Faculty, staff and students at UNMC are invited to participate in the second “Candid Conversations with the Chancellor” open forum later this month at the College of Dentistry in Lincoln.

The May 19 noontime forum will provide an opportunity to ask Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., questions about campus happenings in a casual setting. Registration is required, as seating is limited and lunch will be provided to the first 60 registrants.

The forum also will be live streamed. To view, simply copy and paste this link into your web browser: Contact the Operations Center at 402-559-8090 if issues arise.

The May 19 session will take place in Dixon Hall at the College of Dentistry, which is located on UNL’s East Campus. RSVP to A confirmation of attendance will be sent to the first 60 registrants; others are welcome to attend and bring a lunch.

You may submit forum questions until noon on May 17 via the UNMC mobile app (click on the Ideas button and select “Candid Conversations with the Chancellor”) or (subject line: Candid Conversations).