Lookin’ at U – Muhammad Javaid, M.B.B.S.

Muhammad Javaid, M.B.B.S.

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee.
This week, we learn more about:

  • Name: Muhammad Javaid, M.B.B.S.
  • Hometown: Lahore, Pakistan
  • No. of years at UNMC: Three and a half years

Tell us a bit about what you do here at UNMC:
As a clinical research data coordinator, I’m proud to be part of a team that is redefining the future of oncology. In Pakistan, I obtained my medical degree and a master’s of business administration, and I find these skill sets complement my work at UNMC. Being a family physician, I know prevention is the key to improving health indicators. So I am pursuing a master’s of public health degree in community-oriented primary health care (COPC) at UNMC. I plan to work to implement the COPC model in the United States and the rest of the world.

“Working together” is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed an example of this at UNMC.

In the UNMC Department of Internal Medicine, we have a culture of teamwork. All the stakeholders, including physicians, nurses, managers, coordinators and the companies sponsoring research, work together to create a better future for the rest of the world. Total collaboration is the name of the game in this department. That’s what research is all about, isn’t it?

What is your favorite summer activity?
I love running as the weather begins to get warmer. I enjoy watching basketball games, especially during the March Madness tournament. And spring is my favorite time of the year to travel.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I am a lifelong learner and coach. I have attained an M.B.A., M.B.B.S., and look forward to finishing my M.P.H. degree in 2016.
  • I have worked as a family physician, a business manager, a quality manager, and as the head of an HR department for various hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and business entities in Pakistan. Obesity reduction is my passion. I’ve worked on addressing health behaviors on this issue in Pakistan, and I hope to be known as a person who helped in reducing child obesity in the United States.
  • I have three children, ages 22, 20 and 3. They are all the “apple of my eye” and keep me learning, motivated and young at heart!


  1. Sue Anson says:

    Good luck on your future goals! One of my favorite priests is from Lahore:}

  2. Don Labrie says:

    Muhammad's infectious smile and friendly personality make him a treasure to know. I'm honored know him and UNMC is fortunate to have him.

  3. Riz Khan says:

    Keep going Doc…..you are our role model

  4. JoAnn Tate says:

    Wonderful story and he is a delight to work with.

  5. Nuzhat Mahmood says:

    Your strategic thinking skills, spirit of serving others and cheerful attitude everyday are a rare combination. Wishing you much success on your leadership journey!

  6. UTQ says:

    Stay young at heart and foolish, shun sadness quickly as it has never done anyone any good and stay helpful to others, for in helping others lies true happiness. God speed.

  7. Leah Niebaum says:

    Great read and a great guy.

  8. Dave Henney says:

    I am very impressed with your accomplishments, but I particularly admire you for your goals in public health. I wish you the best.

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