Library happy to house Writing Center @ UNMC

University of Nebraska at Omaha personnel, who will be staffing the Writing Center @ UNMC, attended the new center's grand opening celebration last week. From left, Brenda Sieczkowski, Travis Adams, Ph.D., and Chris Schacht.

Last week, the Writing Center @ UNMC held its grand opening in a newly refurbished space on the sixth floor of the McGoogan Public Library at Wittson Hall.

“For many years, the McGoogan Library has wanted to host the writing center,” said library director Emily McElroy. “We received many comments from faculty and students on the need for writing resources that we wanted to do everything possible to make this happen. The opening of the writing center coincides with our interest in creating collaborative spaces for student, faculty, and staff engagement.”

The Writing Center @ UNMC, a satellite location of the UNO Writing Center, will offer help with writing projects, free of charge, throughout the spring semester. Staff can offer instruction in a variety of areas, including organization, clarity, grammar, writing style, formatting, documentation and overcoming writer’s block.

Hours will be 3 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays. To make an appointment, click here. Walk-ins are welcome, subject to consultant availability.


  1. Susan Magill says:

    What can I do to use services if I am a distance learner?

  2. UNMC Today Editor says:

    When a student signs up for the appointment they can select the distance option. Then at the time of the appointment they log into the site and are put in contact with the consultant.

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