UNMC Parkinson’s disease specialists to give free public presentations May 8

University of Nebraska Medical Center Parkinson’s disease program director, John Bertoni, M.D., Ph.D., and movement disorders specialist Danish Bhatti, M.D., will present “Living Well with Parkinson’s” at three separate presentations on Friday, May 8.

  •  Dr. Bertoni will speak at 9 a.m. at Midlands Lutheran College, 900 N. Clarkson St., in Fremont. A light breakfast will be served and reservations can be made by calling Caring Senior Service at 402-620-6673 or via email at hc1frn@caringinc.com
  •  Dr. Bertoni will then speak at 1:30 p.m. at Duster’s, 2804 13th St., in Columbus. A light lunch will be provided. Reservations are required by May 6 and can be made by calling the APDA Information and Referral Program at Nebraska Medicine at 402-559-8839 or via email at:  kareanderson@nebraskamed.com.
  •  Dr. Bhatti will speak at 11:30 a.m. at Barnstormers, 4100 S. 13th St., in Norfolk. A light lunch will be provided. Reservations are required by May 5 and can be made by calling the APDA Information and Referral Program at Nebraska Medicine at 402-559-8839 or via email at:  kareanderson@nebraskamed.com.

The American Parkinson’s Disease Association estimates that one million Americans have Parkinson’s disease, and 60,000 more will be diagnosed this year – that is one person every nine minutes who will hear the words, “You have Parkinson’s disease.”  Of those, four percent will be classified as early onset with a diagnosis at or before age 50.

Parkinson’s is a progressive nervous disorder that affects a person’s movement. The disease can cause a tremor, stiffness and slowed movement and can affect posture and balance, among other symptoms. In addition there are many non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease. 

Although there is no cure for Parkinson’s at this time, medical management of symptoms, and knowledge of lifestyle modifications as well as individualized programs using a team approach of therapists and community resources can help those with Parkinson’s to live a better quality life. 

The talk is sponsored by TEVA Pharmaceuticals in coordination with Caring Senior Service and APDA-Nebraska. 

Go to www.parkinsonsne.org for more information on support groups and Parkinson’s disease information in Nebraska.

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