UNMC for the record

College of Nursing student Destinee Myres attaches a Project Linus tag to one of the 200 fleece blankets constructed Tuesday for the Project Linus group.

Project Linus effort a snuggly success

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Nursing students Kelci Kneifl and Katie Keefer at the Project Linus event.
UNMC students who met Tuesday at the Omaha College of Nursing to make fleece blankets for Project Linus expected to surpass their goal and make more than 200 blankets for children who are seriously ill, traumatized or have suffered some other dramatic event. UNMC and Fostering the Future teamed with Project Linus, a national organization, for the donation to children in Omaha and the surrounding areas. Project Linus is a nationwide organization. The blankets are given to groups who help children in need, such as Ronald McDonald House, Omaha Police Department, Project Harmony and others. The blankets will be delivered after Dec. 1.

UNMC resident selected for unique internship

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Mary Huerter, M.D.
Mary Huerter, M.D., a resident physician in internal medicine at UNMC, has been selected as the 2015 American College of Physicians (ACP) associate health policy intern. Next spring, she will travel to Washington, D.C., to work with the ACP for one month to learn about the legislative process, health policy, and advocacy in organized medicine. “I hope to gain fluency with how physicians can advocate and what we want to achieve for our patients and ourselves,” Dr. Huerter said. “As the climate of health care changes, I want to be able to participate in that discussion and speak the language. The Nebraska chapter of the ACP has always been involved in the national level. I’m really looking forward to it.” Dr. Huerter also will provide assistance with researching and analyzing current issues in health and medical education policy, assisting with ongoing advocacy initiatives and the development of advocacy materials.

Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum seeking faculty reviewers
UNMC and the Creighton University Medical Center are seeking faculty reviewers for the 46th Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum (MSBRF), to be held on Feb. 28. The forum depends on volunteer faculty support from both UNMC and CU to review and critique abstracts prior to the forum and to judge oral and poster presentations the day of the forum. Each abstract is evaluated by three judges prior to the forum and the actual presentations on Feb. 28 also will be scored by three different judges. Interested faculty should complete this form. Please be as specific as possible when indicating areas of qualification and interest for judging. Please return the form by Monday, Dec. 15.

Buffett Early Childhood Institute hosts open house
UNMC faculty and staff are invited to learn more about the Buffett Early Childhood Institute at an open house to be held from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. on Dec. 2 at the Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, 6001 Dodge St. The event includes a continental breakfast and tours of the institute’s office. Samuel J. Meisels, Ed.D., founding executive director, will speak at approximately 8:15 a.m. about the institute’s work and plans for 2015. The Buffett Early Childhood Institute is a multidisciplinary institute that draws on the resources of the four University of Nebraska campuses to promote the development and learning of children from birth through age 8. For more information about the Buffett Early Childhood Institute, click here.

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