Employees of UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center are invited to a “Participants’ Night” from 5 to 8 p.m. on July 28 at the Durham Museum, 801 S. 10th St., Omaha.
Visitors will enjoy complimentary food, family-friendly programming and The Durham’s latest exhibition, Design Zone, from the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.
The exhibition features hands-on activity stations that illustrate how math and creativity combine in art, engineering, music and more.
Two more exhibits will also be open: “If You Build It: Omaha’s Urban Design” and “The Art of Stagecraft: Jim Othuse and 40 Years at the Omaha Community Playhouse.”
There will also be a “Design Your Own Hot Dog” eating area, catered by Chicago Dawg House, in the Swanson Gallery and hands-on Design Zone related stations in the Suzanne and Walter Scott Great Hall and trackside level.
Activities include:
“See It” station
- Pendulum art
- Architectural wonders
“Hear It” station
- Recycled instruments
- Plum drum
“Do It” station
- Full-size Jenga
- Seirspinski Pyramid-Tetrahedron
Please RSVP by July 24 here.
Admission is for immediate family only, including two adults and dependent children from the same household (younger than 21 years of age). A Nebraska Medical Center/UNMC identification badge must be presented for admittance.