Lookin’ at U – Kelly Johnson

Kelly Johnson

Each week, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about:

  • Name: Kelly Johnson
  • Hometown: Bellevue
  • Number of years at UNMC: 15 years

Tell us a bit about what you do here at UNMC.
About seven months ago, I transferred to the safety department, where my primary focus, thus far, has been lab safety. I make sure the signs outside each research lab provide the most accurate information for first responders, conduct annual lab safety inspections to assure compliance with safety policies, help maintain the e2 campus alert system, the campus hazard tracking system, the on-line MSDS database and the research lab database, which includes details of each space such as chemicals, biohazards, etc. My daily work goal is to help educate employees on campus about the importance of safety in the workplace and the potential outcomes if safety policies and procedures are not followed properly.

Working together is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed a person or group act work together at UNMC.
I see people working together on a daily basis, whether it’s a random employee helping a lost patient find their way or a group of employees working diligently on a given project which could help make a difference in someone else’s life. It’s hard for me to pick out just one incident, because I believe working together is often times a daily interaction that happens amongst us all on campus, without even consciously knowing we are doing it. There are a lot of great team players on our campus.

What is your favorite spring activity?


List three things people may not know about you.

  • I was born at UNMC. My first job was with UNMC. I gave birth to my son at UNMC and he attends the UNMC Child Development Center. I’m pretty sure I like it here!
  • My husband and I have been together for nearly 10 years, and I am a mother/stepmother of 3 boys: Eric, 18; Malik, 13; and Donovan 19 months. There is never a dull moment in the Johnson house, especially when you are surrounded by all boys! Thankfully, I’m an avid sports fan and was a young athlete myself, so it suits me pretty well to raise boys.
  • My favorite food is buffalo hot wings dipped in bleu cheese dressing, with a side of celery and a Diet Coke.
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  1. Anonymous says:

    Kelly is an awesome person, always helpful and has a smile. Kelly was one of the first people I met outsside of my work area. Good job Kelly!!!

  2. sur richards says:

    what a wonderful person !!!!!

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